What We Do


At Funding the Gap we understand the complicated nature of charter and private school facility financing. We add value to your team’s efforts by taking a strategic approach to packaging and presenting your project, based on known loan parameters, deal structures—and most importantly, as defined by respected capital sources with which we have relationships. Utilizing our direct relationships and trusted expertise, your project can have a higher probability for a successful funding.


Our approach is personalized. We are not a single source lender and we do not “shop” your request to unknown lenders; instead we work closely with your company throughout the entire process to provide individualized financing solutions geared to your school’s specific needs and work to provide more than one financing option for your approval.

Our broad skill set gained through tough economic cycles, provides our clients with the expertise needed to meet their specific financing needs. This experience acts as a bridge spanning the communication gap between the complexities of school facilities development and potential lending sources.

With our extensive experience in solving for the capital needs in real estate projects of all types, we can be of unique and present help wherever you are in the charter school or private school facility development process. Our purpose is to handle this phase of your business efficiently to allow you to focus on closing the achievement gap and improving the educational outcome for all our children.

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